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Action Plan for Stopping Energy Waste in your Community

Energy waste is a very costly problem for communities everywhere. These costs directly affect everyone by reducing cashflow into the community and thus the ability to make business improvements. As energy is wasted, public works projects and community efforts are negatively affected. Less resources both in finances and in manpower leave projects unfinished and communities in peril.

Informed community members can play an important role in tracking down and stopping energy waste. Your community’s city council takes a role to empower its people by giving them information and processes in which they can participate to save energy. It is around this philosophy that awarenessIDEAS built its Community Employee Awareness Energy Conservation Program.

From creating awareness, developing interest, promoting motivation by demonstrating benefits, moving people to action, to giving recognition when deserved, we can be your partner in energy conservation.

For thirty years, our people have been helping clients design energy awareness and process materials that track and reinforce good energy habits. AwarenessIDEAS programs have been successfully used in communities for many years. We customize ideas and products to fit your needs. Here are some suggestions that are easily transferrable to your organization.


Get awarenessIDEAS involved. Have a look at our complete line of energy awareness materials, then give us a call at 1-800-875-1725 or drop us an email at [email protected]. Making us a part of your team will give you valuable resources and ongoing support in your efforts to improve energy awareness in your community.