Ideas • Words • Pictures can change your world.
Our clients see us as partners in their efforts to create visual communications that helps them promote successful initiatives.

Use appropriate decals and signage by your machinery and energy switches that reinforce your energy conservation mission.

Visual awareness is the best way to constantly remind your employees of the practices & benefits of energy efficiency. There are many actions a company can take to get employees active in ways to spot & prevent issues, as well as to provide meaningful information. With the use of visual reminders you will ensure the valuable information everyone gains will stick with them.

There are all sorts of creative ways to use these products to remind everyone of the efforts that have been made, and that will continue to be made. Banners and Signs are great tools to add to the workplace environment. They offer a constant reminder of the reasons for & rewards gained by following simple waste-reducing steps on a daily basis. Adding decals & posters in the right places also make for easy and inexpensive reminders. Light switch plates, machinery power-boxes, keyboards and employee exit doors are all great places to add small messages that will accomplish big things.

Also, be sure to update your visual tools on a regular basis. Like anything else, these can become things of habit and disappear from sight. Rotate the media you use & choose new messages for your employees to see- this keeps the process at the front of their minds & keeps everyone active in the effort.